Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello and Pardon my Ranting.

It's raining AGAIN. We have so much mud here on the farm that I almost lost a boot trying to feed the horses. The goats won't go outside the barn and are sure it's my fault. The geese and ducks are having a grand old time, but the chickens look confused.

I'm looking forward to blogging for the first time in my life.

I'll start by telling you a little about myself. I'm a middle aged farm girl who apparently lives in a rain forest. I'll blame Al Gore's global warming for the cold crappy summer we had this year. I raise dairy goats and have 3 horses that I don't have time to ride. I love to sew and paint and draw and needle felt among other crafts and hope to post some of my projects here. I read a lot. I just finished the new book by the Ghosthunters. It's good and I recommend it highly. I'm waiting for the new Vince Flynn novel coming out on October 13. I collect old crafting, gardening and farming books and need to downsize my collection of over 1,500 books.

I'm a fan of Fox News and especially Glenn Beck, so if that offends anyone I guess you've been forewarned.

I'm married to a wonderful man and have a 26 year old, mentally challenged son from a prior marriage. I'm opinionated and noisy.

Now I'm off to do some necessary housework. Ta ta for now.


  1. Wishing you well with this venture, but I am not sure what that means. Good Luck.

  2. Why cool, the first blog I've ever read and knew the person who wrote it. Are you sure your older than me? Good going. I'll add it to my favorites.
