Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's Been Too Long. Let Me Update.

I've been so busy of late I've forgotten to come in and blog. So, here I am.

Today is my birthday and I'm officially eligible for the senior citizen discount at the local thrift shops. Phil is taking me out to breakfast after the goats are milked (and I've had a shower, of course) and we'll see if I get any more discounts now that I'm old.

Phil bought me duct tape for my birthday. Now, before you go too crazy, it's what I asked for. He's going to help me make a new dressmaker/pants dummy for sewing. He's such a dear. How many husbands would do that? He's also working on a nice, quiet sewing/crafting area for me so I can spread out instead of messing up the living room.

I think all the goats are bred now for Spring kidding. I'll absolutely post photos as those babies arrive. There is nothing cuter than a newborn goat.

Now that the holidays have passed, I can get busy with my sewing projects. I have several recycled denim jeans projects going on right now. A beret, a couple of skirts (not your basic jeans skirt, but cooler), a corset top, and a few others. Pictures to follow when they are completed.

Our milk supply is dwindling due to the season, but come Spring soap making begins anew. I'll be adding scented soaps to the inventory due to popular demand.

I'm hoping to get the soap/recycled clothing shop open this Spring so look for details on that as well.

Now, I'm going back for another cup of coffee before I wake up the troops to get ready for barn chores.

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